The Application Process 2.0

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Impact official
Impact official
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Join date : 2017-07-22
Age : 24
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PostImpact official Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:25 pm

This guide will lead you through the whole process. Following are the basic steps and further below the detailled information regarding each step.The whole process is divided into Creation of the app, Questioning Phase (3 days), Voting Phase (2 days) and Testing phase (5 days). On the color given in the text, you can see which phase the guide is referring to.

Step 1: Register at our forums. Make sure you use your Plazma Burst 2 username as Forum username, that’d be easier for everyone.

Step 2: Copy the Application template, fill it out and post it.

Step 3: Do not edit your application. Correct mistakes by using the “reply” function if you like to add something.

Step 4: Wait for response. If a member decides to ask you a question, regardless about what, you have to answer it with the upmost effort and honesty.

Step 5: If it seems like things are clear and all questions have been answered, you will now recieve either a yes or a no from each the members. You need atleast 5 yes votes for you to be sent into the testing phase.

Step 6: In case you haven’t reached the minimum votes, your application will be considered as “Denied” and you’ll be able to write another application after 7 days.

Step 7: Once you have been accepted, you’re now pretty much the last step away from being a member of Platinum. Two members will test your skills in two maps. One of your, one of the testers’ choice. Each match goes to 20. You passed the testing phase once

a) you won either both matches or

b) lost one match if your figured-up score of both matches is 20 or higher.

Last edited by Kneelfrox on Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:22 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : updated the recruitment process, but I kept the old saved.)

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